Andrei Dvin's abstraction "embodying all languages and styles" leads away from what appears to him to be a simplification of reality. His "harmony parallel to nature" becomes open to dialogue, "interactive". Intuition embodies what the intellect is drawn to - connecting the disparate, creating a structure and restoring the destroyed integrity.
2022 First Prize of the International Osten Biennale of Drawings 2022. Skopje. Northern Macedonia
2018 Winner of the International festival of abstraction. Moscow, Central House of Artist
The works are in the collection
Sergey Kuryokhin Centre for Contemporary Art. St Petersburg
Museum of Nonconformist Art. St. Petersburg
Free Culture Foundation. Pushkinskaya 10, St. Petersburg
Museum of Fine Arts. Omsk
National Gallery of Northern Macedonia. Skopje
OSTEN Gallery Foundation. Skopje. Northern Macedonia
Omsk Pedagogical University. Faculty of Art and Graphic Arts.
Moscow Institute of Contemporary Art. Course: New artistic strategies.
1997 Admitted to the International Federation of Artists (IFA).
Selected personal and collective exhibitions
2023 "Two Worlds ". Joint project with Dmitry Shorin. Gridchinhall. Moscow region.
2023 Triptych AWA. Art Moscow. Sistema Gallery. Moscow.
2022 International Osten Biennale of Drawings 2022. National Gallery. Skopje. North Macedonia.
2022 "Landscape art - leave a creative mark". Budatower Museum Complex. Budapest.
2022 "LIFE/ÉLET" Budatower Museum Complex. Budapest.
2021 "The Next Day". Pacsa. Hungary.
2021 Art installation "Fifty/Ötven". International landscape art symposium. Rácalmás Nagy-Sziget, Hungary.
2020 "Abstraction in the avant-garde" Kuryokhin Centre for Contemporary Art. St. Petersburg.
2020 "THE LINE" Pacsa. Hungary.
2019 "Contemporary Art Exhibition". Pacsa. Hungary.
2018 "Art Week in Hungary". Budapest.
2018 "Abstraction in painting" competition. International festival of abstraction. 1st place.
Central House of Artist. Moscow.
2018 XXV International Exhibition-Competition of Contemporary Art within the framework of the Russian Art Week. Nomination: "Experiment". 1st place. ARTPlay, Moscow.
2000 "Project Black and White". BOREYARTGALLERY. St. Petersburg.
1999 "Petersburg". Central exhibition hall Manege. St Petersburg.
1999 "Thing in itself". Spider and Mouse Gallery. Moscow.
1998 "ALEF". Gallery "Golden Way". Omsk.
1996 "Portrait of an acquaintance". Personal exhibition. Museum of the History of the City. St. Petersburg.
1996 "Seasons of the Year". Solo exhibition. GEZ 21. Pushkinskaya 10. St Petersburg.
1995 "Letter". Gallery 103. Pushkinskaya 10. St. Petersburg.
1992 "New Painting of Siberia". Warsaw. Poland.
Born in 1971 in Omsk. Lives and works in Moscow.
В свое время, на своем месте
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