«I never limit myself to one picture, it’s a literary disease of some kind. I would like to tell a story, offer to look at the idea from different angles»
Alexey Dubinsky's artworks are a multi-part and versatile reflection of ideas, remarks, theses. In his works, one character leads to another, drawing a new perspective on the plot, the next episode. Observing life that consists of successive familiar and unfamiliar faces, events, parties, endlessly hitting philosophical and routine ideas, the artist seeks to study it and to approximate what is behind appearances, to look into the hidden.
«I put the structure of paintings together like a semantic collage, which consists of references to various facets of culture, whether it is philosophy, science, religion, or history,» says Alexey. The artist acquired the desire to work with worlds and characters as a film director, to manage them and to put them into the context studying historical and religious painting at the Russian Academy of Painting, Sculpture, and Architecture of Ilya Glazunov. Dubinsky combined his classical art education with experience in developing concepts for storefront design at the Moscow Central Department Store TSUM, where he supervised the creation of installations and the work of designers and decorators. As a result, Dubinsky not only immersed himself in contemporary art but also learned to work with compositional components in space.
Alexey Dubinsky's first solo exhibition was held at the Triumph Gallery in Moscow in 2018. The result of the year-long art residency at Gridchinhall in 2013-14 is a series of large paintings presented at the gallery.
Alexey Dubinsky was born in Grozny, lives and works in Moscow and Tbilisi.
В свое время, на своем месте
10 Mar - 21 Sep 2024 Gridchinhall GalleryДля иллюстрации возьмем работу «13 комнат» Владимира Грига, в которой он впервые применил мозаику и стеклярус, «оживляя» технический рисунок. Это произведение стало отправной точкой для художественного поиска, определившего авторский стиль на многие годы вперед, и сделавшего Грига востребованным художником. Так через семь лет эта работа обусловила создание полностью покрытых стеклярусом...Read more -
Алексей Дубинский. КНИГА АДАМА
21 Aug - 10 Sep 2022 Gridchinhall Gallery«Книга Адама» — серия полотен, исследующая процесс перерождения человека. Используя форму апокрифа — текста, не включенного в церковный канон — Алексей Дубинский рассматривает человека, который создал себя сам в начале пути и посредством сомнений и выборов безостановочно продолжает этот процесс. Алексей Дубинский работал над «Книгой Адама» в арт-резиденции Гридчинхолл в...Read more