Oleg Khvostov was born in St. Petersburg in 1972. Started painting when he was eighteen. Oleg has no professional art education; he preferred practical experience to higher art education.
But as critics and art historians note, perhaps this is precisely what helped Khvostov find his unique, easily recognizable style. After army he moved into a squat and became part of the post-Soviet artistic underground scene in St. Petersburg. In 1998 Oleg was invited to become a member of a radical art movement called The New Blockheads Society, he took part in over 50 exhibits and performances created by the group of artists. After two years he decided to move on to build a solo career of a painter. Since 2005 the artist Khvostov has been collaborating with leading Russian galleries and art institutions.
From 2000 to 2019 Oleg`s works were part of numerous exhibits in galleries, museums (including State Russian Museum in St. Petersburg, Moscow Museum of Modern Art), biennales and fairs in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Vienna, Berlin, Tirana, Istanbul, Geneva and other cites. Oleg`s work is recognized by important Russian art critics and collectors.
Oleg Khvostov uses themes from traditional painting genres - landscapes, still-lifes, portraits, multi-figured compositions - but also includes numerous "remakes" of world-famous works of art, from Leonardo to Jeff Koons. Nonetheless, his characteristic method of consciously simplifying form, freeing it from excess detail, and giving
underscored roundness and cylindricity to shapes, in conjunction with his bold colors and large canvases, make his artistic manner original and easily identifiable. His use of a vivid, contrastive color palette and his deliberate simplicity imbue the artist's works with the decorative effect and irony of pop art.
В свое время, на своем месте
10 Mar - 21 Sep 2024 Gridchinhall GalleryДля иллюстрации возьмем работу «13 комнат» Владимира Грига, в которой он впервые применил мозаику и стеклярус, «оживляя» технический рисунок. Это произведение стало отправной точкой для художественного поиска, определившего авторский стиль на многие годы вперед, и сделавшего Грига востребованным художником. Так через семь лет эта работа обусловила создание полностью покрытых стеклярусом...Read more -
Надежды зеленого мандарина
18 Nov 2022 - 19 Mar 2023Уж осени конец, Но верит в будущие дни Зеленый мандарин. Мацуо Басё Черно-белые домики Ани Желудь на беспросветном глухом сером фоне, провалившаяся в тень «Изморось» Наташи Юдиной, взъерошенное серебристое дерево Екатерины Рожковой, похожие на гигантские кристаллы «Синие нарциссы» Аси Феоктистовой - все они подернуты сумраком короткого дня поздней осени, поселившейся...Read more -
4 Feb - 5 Apr 2020 Gridchinhall Moscow / Cube spacePainting, like any other art, is a creative tool for the artist. The plastic, spatial form is the same type of tool, but requires from the viewer movement around the exhibit in addition to contemplation. In a language not always understandable to the observer, the artist tells us abouthis or...Read more -
Cosmos Cows
An exhibition-reflection, a witty, large-scale canvas on how the artist spent 2015 12 Dec 2015 - 24 Jan 2016Oleg Khvostov is an artist who depicts everyday life in much the same way as a Central Asian akyn poet-improviser who “sings what he sees.” For his painting, Khvostov uses an artistic language that was formed long ago, that is unique to him and that is immediately recognizable.Read more -
Oleg Khvostov. Absolute Painting
19 Dec 2010 - 21 Mar 2011 Gridchinhall Gallery'Absolute Painting' is about forty oil and acrylic works on canvas. The smallest painting’s size is 10x12 cm, the largest - 1.5 x 2 meters. The exhibition also includes several composite images made with acrylic paints on cardboard boxes. Directly opposite the striking rural landscapes stands a three-dimensional cardboard Moscow...Read more